Professor seagull smartshop

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Always enjoy responsibility.

Welcome to our Smartshop!You can find us at 1351 Grant Ave,
In San Francisco!


Hey Everyone! It’s Professor Seagull and today I figured it would be a good idea to introduce the concept of a “smartshop” to anyone who may be unfamiliar with it.

While the idea is new to the San Francisco Bay Area, smartshops have been around for over 20 years in Europe.

“Smartshop” is a term used to describe a shop that sells: Nootropics, Herbal Remedies/After Party Care, and Live/Dried Botanical Samples for Research Purposes. These shops began to open in response to a need for education about entheogenic plants and herbal medicine.

    An example of products you can expect to find at Professor Seagull’s:
  • - Powdered Kratom Leaves
  • - Kratom Extracts
  • - Anadenanthera Colubrina (Vilca) Seeds
  • - Blue Lotus Flower Petals
  • - Argyreia Nervosa (Hawaiian Baby Woodrose) Seeds
  • - Salvia Divinorum Leaves
  • - Acacia Confusa Bark
  • - Psychotria Viridis (Charcruna) Leaves